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All information disclosed from this point forward is explicitly associated with the 'BSB Policies'


1.) General Policies


1.1) Operational Framework
This agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Bayview School of Ballet Inc. ("Institution") and its enrolled student/s or their guardians. By participating in our programs, all parties expressly acknowledge and agree to adhere to the following terms:

1.2) Class Structure and Duration
At Bayview School of Ballet Inc., our commitment to fostering an optimal learning environment is underscored by meticulously structured operations. With class sizes limited to 10-15 students, we uphold high standards of artistic and technical instruction throughout the 36 to 40-week academic year, commencing in September and concluding with the BSB Recital in mid-June. Our annual Summer Intensive Program, conducted over three weeks in both July and August, provides students with focused training under the guidance of experienced faculty. Simultaneously, our Summer Camp, also held during the same period, is designed to accommodate individual dietary restrictions. This comprehensive approach ensures a well-rounded and inclusive dance education for all students.


1.3) Makeup Classes

Makeup classes will not be held unless assigned by an instructor.

1.4) Class Assignments

The instructor retains the authority to move a student to another class at any time during the school term upon parental consent.


1.5) Studio Regulations

Only water is allowed in the studio; no other food or beverages are permitted.


1.6) Attire and Grooming Standards

Students must adhere to the BSB attire (no jewellery) for every class. Long hair should be tied back in a bun, and short hair should have pinned-back bangs and a hairband.


1.7) Punctuality

Late students require permission; the instructor may refuse entry after class starts for complete warm-ups and injury prevention.


1.8) Dress Code Compliance

Non-compliance with the dress code may result in being asked to leave.

2.) Legally Binding Agreement


2.1) Refunds and Cancellations
This statement serves as a legally binding agreement between Bayview School of Ballet Inc. and its students/guardians. By enrolling, all parties acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined below:


2.2) Payment Obligations

Even if none of the classes have been taken, no refunds or cancellations will be granted under any circumstances. Instructors are contracted for the entire year and are compensated regardless of student attendance. This contractual arrangement underlines the rationale behind our strict refund policy.


          2.3) Legal Consequences

All school fees must be paid in full at the commencement of the school year without exception. Failure to comply may result in legal action by Bayview School of Ballet Inc. to pursue owed fees.


2.4) Financial Integrity

Strict policies aim to maintain the financial integrity of the institution's operational framework.


2.5) Educational Commitment:

Enrolling implies a commitment to meeting the standards outlined in this agreement.


3.) Compliance and Financial Commitment


3.1) Mandatory Compliance

Compliance with the policies of Bayview School of Ballet is mandatory and serves as an essential and non-negotiable requirement for the seamless operation of our ballet community. These policies are designed to uphold the highest standards of excellence in dance education, fostering an environment of discipline, professionalism, and commitment. By enrolling, students and guardians acknowledge their obligation to adhere to these policies, ensuring a structured and supportive learning atmosphere for all participants.


3.2) Non-Refundable Nature of School Fees

All tuition, registration, performance, and competition fees are strictly non-refundable. Payment obligations become due and payable on the day of registration, reinforcing our commitment to a structured and standardized financial system. These measures ensure that the school can maintain a high level of instruction, sustain its operations, and provide the best possible learning environment for all students. The financial commitment made upon registration is essential in supporting the pursuit of artistic excellence, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently to uphold the highest standards in ballet education.


3.3) Payment Obligations

By proceeding with enrollment, all parties affirm their understanding and agreement to abide by these terms. This financial agreement is legally binding and may be enforced in accordance with applicable laws. Bayview School of Ballet Inc. reserves the right to update or modify these terms as necessary, with prior notice provided to all enrolled students and their guardians. It is the responsibility of all parties to remain informed of any updates or amendments to the financial policies.


3.4) Monthly Payment Option

For families seeking financial flexibility, Bayview School of Ballet offers a monthly payment plan. This option requires a commitment to full-year registration, with a 5% surcharge applied to the total tuition amount. The surcharge accounts for administrative costs associated with managing multiple payments. It is important to note that all payments made under this plan remain non-refundable under any circumstances. This policy ensures the sustainability and financial stability of the school while accommodating families who prefer a structured installment plan.


3.5) Tuition Structure and Additional Classes

Tuition fees are determined based on the number of weekly hours and are calculated over approximately 38 weeks of lessons within the school year. In instances where the calendar does not perfectly align with 38 weeks, students are permitted to take additional classes free of charge to ensure they fulfill their total lesson hours. This policy ensures that students receive the full value of their tuition and maintain consistent training throughout the academic year.


3.6) Performance Fees

Students participating in school productions are required to pay performance-related fees, which contribute to production costs, stage rentals, and costumes. The Nutcracker Performance Fee consists of a $360.00 production fee, with an additional costume fee of $180.00 per costume for Ballet Levels 1-2 and $210.00 per costume for Ballet Level 3 and Company A-D. These fees must be paid in full by December 1. Similarly, the Year-End Performance Fee includes a $360.00 production fee, with costume fees set at the same rates as the Nutcracker Performance. Year-end performance fees must be paid in full by March 1. These fees are essential for delivering high-quality productions that enhance students' artistic development and performance experience.


3.7) Competition Fees

Competition fees are subject to variation based on the requirements of individual event organizers. Additional costs related to lessons and costumes may also apply. Students and their guardians are responsible for understanding the financial obligations associated with competitions before committing to participation. Clear communication regarding competition-related expenses will be provided to ensure transparency and financial preparedness.


3.8) HST and Payment Installments

All tuition and fees are subject to Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) as required by law. Unless otherwise specified, tuition payments may be made in two equal installments. Any deviations from this standard payment structure must be arranged with the administration and are subject to the terms outlined in this policy.







4.1) Photography and Videography Consent

In choosing to enroll in our programs, you are granting explicit permission to the Institution to capture the photographic and video graphic content of enrolled students. This content will be employed exclusively for promotional, marketing, and educational purposes, and disseminated across various mediums such as our website, social media platforms, brochures, and promotional materials. Please note that this consent is granted without any financial compensation.


The Institution commits to the responsible and dignified use of these visual materials. Participants are assured that all videos and pictures will be handled with the utmost respect, ensuring the preservation of their dignity and privacy. It is our sincere commitment to maintain the integrity of each individual's image.



4.2) Waiver of Liability and Legal Actions
By participating in Bayview School of Ballet Inc.'s programs and events, all parties (including enrolled students and their guardians) hereby acknowledge and agree to waive any claims, demands, causes of action, or suits against Bayview School of Ballet Inc., its instructors, staff, and affiliates arising out of or related to:


a) Photography and videography consent as outlined in Section 4.1


b) All activities undertaken on the premises, including but not limited to dance classes, rehearsals, performances, and events.


c) Authorizing supervised departure for students under 18, overseen by designated personnel.


Participants and their guardians expressly understand and agree that this waiver extends to any injuries, damages, or losses, whether direct or indirect, arising from participation in the programs and events, including the use of visual materials for marketing purposes. Compliance with the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement signifies a complete and unconditional release of Bayview School of Ballet Inc. from any liability, and participants expressly acknowledge that they have no legal grounds to sue or attack the Institution under any circumstances.


This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties




5.) Liability Disclaimer 


The Bayview School of Ballet Inc. does not assume responsibility for expenses resulting from injuries during any school activity, whether on or off school premises. Participants and their legal guardians understand and accept the inherent risks associated with these activities. In the event of injury, the school is not liable for medical expenses or other damages. Participants must ensure they have appropriate health insurance coverage. By participating, they release the school and its representatives from any claims or liabilities related to the activity.

All content on this page is fully endorsed by Bayview School of Ballet, and all associated policies extend universally to any document referencing the term 'BSB Policies'. All rights are reserved by Bayview School of Ballet for the entirety of the content mentioned herein.



This document is subject to change, and any modifications will be communicated to enrolled students and their guardians.

Business Hours


Monday - Friday 4:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Saturday 10:00 am - 6:30 pm

Sunday    9:00 am - 12:00 pm




148 Willowdale, Avenue

Toronto, Ontario

M2N 4Y4



Contact Us


Tel:  (416) 222-5111 

Cell: (416) 456-5504

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© 2024 by Bayview School of Ballet Inc.

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